Recent global events have made it hard to enjoy yoga anywhere other than in the comfort of my own home. It seems I have had to convert my living room into a makeshift yoga studio for the time being! This wasn’t easy at first, but it was do-able after a lot of adjusting. I wanted to share all the tips that made it easier for me to convert from practicing in a larger group at a studio, to practicing at home by myself every day. Hopefully these will help guide your at-home practice in the right direction!
Tip 1
Have a comfortable space to practice in. This can be your bedroom, your living room, your backyard, or anywhere that you feel would make a good space to practice in. If you can’t find a comfortable space, make one! Move things around in your home and try areas in your house you normally wouldn’t think to try. New areas might even be better since you don’t have a current use for them and won’t associate the room with anything other than your practice! Finding a space that you feel safe and secure in is the key to getting the flow going throughout your practice.
Tip 2
Have all of the equipment and extra props necessary to your practice easily accessible before beginning your session. Using equipment and props can help you get the most out of your yoga practice! This includes basic equipment used for everyday yoga, and props used for certain types of yoga to help enhance your practice. Having these in close proximity to you before you start will allow you to be able to flow through your session without having to stop and go into another room or throw off the flow of your practice.
Basic equipment includes a yoga mat, yoga blocks, and a yoga bolster. Some other props typically used include a yoga blanket, a yoga towel, zafus, zabutons, eye and neck pillows, and yoga straps. Below are links to all of these items on our site!
Tip 3
Have guidance before beginning your session, especially if you are new to yoga. If done incorrectly, some poses can lead to injury. Plenty of studios are offering online courses now for a small fee, and plenty of teachers are still teaching yoga via video chatting apps. Not familiar with yoga and don’t know where to start? There are plenty of YouTube videos for beginners in yoga that will greatly help you in your solo practice!
- Yoga For Complete Beginners by Yoga With Adriene
- 10 Min Morning Stretch by Yoga With Kassandra
- 10 Min Morning Yoga For Beginners by SarahBethYoga
- Yoga For Beginners by Breathe and Flow
Tip 4
Set aside a certain amount of time for your yoga practice before you start. Being in a more independent setting if you are normally used to a group setting can be very distracting, which can lead to your practice ending earlier than you intended. Commit yourself to a certain time frame weekly or even daily to get the most out of your practice.
Tip 5
Choose the perfect music playing during your session. Setting up a playlist that will match your flow is very important to setting the tone for your practice. Whether you like calming, slow music, or fast paced, loud music, pick a playlist that matches your energy.
- Relaxing, Calm 3 Hour Yoga Music
- 40 Minute Jungle Song Yoga Music
- Heart Chakra Healing Yoga Music
- Meditation Music
Tip 6
If you are not a fan of practicing by yourself, give your fellow yogis a ring over a video chatting app and practice with them! Or, you could even meet up with friends in an open outdoor area and practice some six feet apart yoga! This will help you get back in the groove of your normal routine.
Tip 7
The most important thing about converting your practice to an at home practice is understanding that your practice is your own. This is the time to try new poses, try new types of yoga, try new props, and overall just figure out what flow works best for you. As long as you are enjoying the way you practice, then you can continue to grow in your yoga journey during such unprecedented times!